Due to high hardness, perfect sturdiness and good weldablity features, hot rolled Steels are especially used in manufacturing of the pipes which are highly suitable to transport Petroleum, water and gasoline.
Slab, Which is obtained by solidfying the liquid steel with continous casting method at hot rolling mill and steels whose thickness varies between 1,50mm and 20,00mm are the flat Steel products or steels whose thicknesses varies between 5,00 and 200,00mm are flat Steel products in the form of plate.
With our various and rich Steel qualities we can meet demands of our customers which have various demands and expectations and activating at industrial areas.
Usage areas
- We have been presenting the steels for the usage of the automotive industry , which are suitable for bending and cold forming and performing high performance for deep drawing and applications, which requires high level of hardness.
- Steels, which are produced for wheel rims and parts of chasis requiring not only high level of hardness but also high level of shape ability are the main input of automotive industry are also participating in our product portfolio.
- Construction steels whose mechanical specifications are guaranteed , having ducility and fullness optimization are usually used for the production of construction machinery, heavy construction equipments, general construction plates, equipments for railways,
- Hot milled pipe steels are especially used in fabrication of the pipes in which Petroleum, water, oil and gasoline are transported on account of their high durability, perfect sturdiness andgood weldability.
- Boiler Steels, suitable to high tempretures and high pressures are used in the production of pressured pots and boilers, the pipes exposing to pressure and steam, industrial thermal pots and heat exchangers.
The physical properties of the produced materials are homogeneous and surface smoothness, width and thickness values meets with the expectations in maximum ranges,
Cold Rolled Products are the products which has produced with rolling the hot rolled flat Steel products without heating and those are Steel in the form of coil and flat products whose thickness changes between 0,20 - 2,00 mm,
The physical properties of the produced materials are homegenous throughout the coil , surface smoothness, widht and thickness values meets the expectations on the highest levels.
Usage areas
- The Steel products which is suitable for cold forming, and Steel products suitable for deep drawing, are used in automotive sector, home appliances, kitchenwares, production of radiatör and air condition equipments, and areas which is required hardness, ducility, fullness. The steels, suitable for extra deep drawing looming large with hardness for getting older, well forming and welding specifications are used in (IF), automotive and white goods sectors and areas for supplying special requirements.
- Beside well forming, the steels which produced by the method of low carbon and micro- alloying having high strength - low alloyed steels and combinating devolopped welding ability are used in automotive sector and supplier industry. Single/ double layer or single/ double rolled Steels Which is suitable for enameling and have deep drawing abilties are used in production of home appliance (casserole,oven grills etc.)
Plate products obtained by hot rolling the rectangular shaped semi finished product in hot rolling mills. Their thicknesses vary between 6,00- 100,00mm L ( Plate ) 61,00mm-200,00mm(DS) are Iron Slab.They are flat Steel products in the form of plates,
Plate products are obtained with continuous casting method by solidifying the liquid Steel called as slab. They are obtained by rolling the rectangular shaped semi finish product hotly at hot rolled mill.
Plate products are obtained with continuous casting method by solidifying the liquid Steel called as slab. They are obtained by rolling the rectangular shaped semi finish product hotly at hot rolled mill,
Their thickness varies between 6,00 mm and 100,00mm L ( Plate) 61,00mm-200,00mm for DS ( Iron Slab).They are flat Steel products in the form of plate.
Usage areas
- Beside using them at different sectors such as ship construction , production of pressured containers, agriculturel tools, and automotive industries they are also used for manufacturing of different shaped pipes for vafious sectors.

Galvanized flat steels are produced by coating both surfaces of the cold rolled metal with a layer of zinc by the hot dipping process. After the zinc coating is formed on the steel surface, galvanilized flat steels are produced by converting the coating at the interface into a zinc-iron alloy layer as a result of induction heating.
Galvanized/galvanized steels are passivated by chromating and/or lubrication, and the zinc coating formed on the surface is preserved.
Usage areas
- Advantages; Corrosion resistance: It provides an excellent corrosion resistance as it protects the metal in the nature of the zinc in the coating by establishing a barrier against corrosive elements. The best service life depends on the thickness of the coating and the severity of the environment (humid, salty, etc.).
- Excellent surface appearance: C surface quality is used without any problems in visible surface applications.
- Formability: Galvanized steels are easily used in the production of parts where extra deep drawing and bending are required.
- Paintability: It is paintable after correct pre-treatments (surface treatments, degreasing, etc.).
- Weldability: Can be welded by many known welding processes. Galvanized products have more improved spot weldability than galvanized products. General Application Areas;
- In the construction industry, hot-dip galvanized/galvanized steels are used in various applications such as roofs, doors, fences, profiles in different coating thicknesses, depending on the atmospheric conditions of the area to be applied and the desired corrosion resistance.
- With the use of galvanized sheets used on invisible (inner) surfaces in the white goods sector, also on visible (external) surfaces, a large part of white goods products started to be produced from galvanized sheets.

Semi-finished products are products that require further processing and assembly to obtain the final product, which has not yet been completed. Generally used as part of the production process, they are known as components or parts that have contributed to the production of the final product. Semi-finished products are assembled or processed into a complete product by combining parts. They may undergo various processes at different stages of the production process. These processes include cutting, bending, casting, painting, assembly, among others. It helps save time and costs throughout the production process, making it widely used.
Usage areas
• It helps improve the quality of the final product. The pre-processed or assembled components can reduce the error rate, ensuring a higher quality and more consistent final product, offering several advantages. • It has a wide range of applications in industries such as the automotive sector, electronics, food, furniture, and the construction industry.

Metal sheet cutting is a crucial component of the industry and manufacturing sector. Achieving precise sheet cutting using high-quality materials and correct methods is key. Through metal sheet cutting, the required metal materials can be shaped and sized as desired. We perform sheet cutting in various dimensions and shapes using state-of-the-art equipment and devices. We take pride in providing services with our specialized team, who are experts in metal sheet cutting. Feel free to contact us for the professional sheet cutting service you need.
Usage areas
Sheet cutting is essential in various industries such as construction, automotive, machinery manufacturing, food, aviation, aerospace, logistics, and energy. Sheet products, which are indispensable in the engineering and manufacturing sector, should be professionally cut by experts during the cutting stage.